笔墨丹青·珍爱和平——国际和平艺术推选人物 邹继海

邹继海,1949年出生,广东省高州市人,研究生毕业。央媒文化组委会艺术顾问、央广国际文化交流艺术委员会副主席、系中国楹联学会第七届副会长、清华大学美术学院老教授书画院特聘教授,中国作家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员、中华诗词学会常务理事、亚洲国际青年电影节评审团主席。入选“推动时代发展的100位杰出华人”“全国百名联墨双馨书法家”“中国文化人物”“中国文化品牌人物”“2023度书画领域品牌人物”。荣获“首届冼夫人文化奖”“2020榜样人物紫金奖”、“影响中国联坛的十大新闻人物” ,并荣获中国楹联界最高奖项“梁章钜奖”,书法作品录入国宝档案存档。
邹继海工于诗词楹联,对艺术评论和艺术鉴赏也有独到之研究,著作颇丰。有中国作家出版社出版《邹继海诗词集》、《三春唱和集》,人民日报出版社出版《邹继海诗词评论集》、国家文物出版社出版《七余居诗词稿》、中国文化出版社出版的《盛世典藏·国际名家—邹继海的经典名作》、中共中央党校出版社出版《高州之路》、岭南美术出版社出版《漠海诗澜》、《广信话苍桑》,中国诗词楹联出版社出版《邹继海书法》集等著作,即将付梓的《海说高凉》、《海说名联》、《海联选评》等著作。2003年3月《文艺报》在北京举办“邹继海诗词作品研讨会”,全国诗词名家对其诗作的评论文章在《文艺报》整版刊载,2003年03月24日《人民日报海外版》进行报导宣传。2003年12月23日《人民日报》刊载中国作家协会名誉主席,中国作家协会原党组成员、副主席、书记处常务书记,中国文联原副主席张锲先生评邹继海诗作《沧桑饱阅纪春秋》一文,备受全国文艺界关注,引起全国诗词楹联界之热议。 邹继海在艺术的道路上辛勤耕耘,博采众长、建树良多,其书法作品被中国钓鱼台国宾馆、日本名古屋大学等收藏,受到广大收藏家所追捧。
Zou Jihai, born in 1949 in Gaozhou, Guangdong Province, is a graduate degree holder. He is currently an Art Advisor to the Central Media Culture Organizing Committee, Vice Chairman of the China Radio International Cultural Exchange Art Committee, an Evaluation Expert for the CRI Cultural Tourism International Cooperation Development Center, and a Cultural Image Exchange Ambassador for CRI. He also serves as the seventh Vice President of the Yinglian Society of China, a specially appointed professor at the Old Professors’ Calligraphy and Painting Academy at Tsinghua University’s Academy of Fine Arts, a member of the China Writers Association and the China Calligraphers Association, an executive director of the Chinese Poetry Society, and Chairman of the Jury at the Asian International Youth Film Festival. Zou has been included in “100 Outstanding Chinese Figures Promoting the Development of the Times,” “Top 100 Dual-Excellence Calligraphers of China,” “Chinese Cultural Figures,” “Chinese Cultural Brand Figures,” and was named a “2023 Brand Figure in the Calligraphy and Painting Field.” He has received numerous honors, including the “First Madam Xian Cultural Award,” the “2020 Role Model Purple Gold Award,” recognition as one of the “Top Ten News Figures Influencing China’s Couplet Field,” and the highest accolade in the couplet field, the “Liang Zhangju Award.” His calligraphy works have been entered into the National Treasure Archives.
Zou has hosted various cultural programs on Guangdong Television and Gaozhou Broadcasting Television, such as Hai Talks Famous Couplets, Hai Talks Gaoliang, Hai Talks Gaozhou Dialect, and Guangdong Couplets Education Forum, earning him the title of “Lingnan Cultural Ambassador.” At the invitation of CCTV, he created ten spring couplets for the program New Year Greetings from Famous Artists that were broadcast to people across China and overseas Chinese communities. He was also invited by CCTV to create couplets for the program Pride of China—Famous Artist Zou Jihai Cheers for Winter Guangdong. Zou’s famous opening line, “Viewing the mountains and rivers from Guanyin Mountain,” sparked a national couplet competition, which remains unresolved as no ideal matching line has yet been found.
Zou Jihai is a master of poetry and couplets and has a deep knowledge of art critique and appreciation. He is a prolific author, with notable works including Zou Jihai Poetry Collection and Three Springs Harmonizing Poems published by the China Writers Publishing House; Zou Jihai’s Poetry Commentary Collection by the People’s Daily Press; Seven Surplus Poetry Manuscripts by the National Relics Publishing House; Classic Works of International Masters—Zou Jihai’s Masterpieces by the China Culture Press; The Road to Gaozhou by the Central Party School Publishing House; Mo Hai Shi Lan and Guangxin Speaks of Time’s Changes by the Lingnan Fine Arts Publishing House; and Zou Jihai Calligraphy Collection by the China Poetry and Couplets Press. Upcoming publications include Hai Talks Gaoliang, Hai Talks Famous Couplets, and Selected Couplets and Reviews.
In March 2003, Literary News held a seminar on Zou Jihai’s poetry works in Beijing, and comments from renowned poets were published in full-page articles in the paper. On March 24, 2003, the People’s Daily Overseas Edition reported on the event. On December 23, 2003, the People’s Daily published a review of Zou’s poetry, Savouring the Vicissitudes of History, written by Zhang Xie, the Honorary Chairman of the China Writers Association, which attracted widespread attention from the literary world and sparked significant discussion in the poetry and couplet communities.
Zou Jihai has worked tirelessly on his artistic journey, drawing on the strengths of others and making notable achievements. His calligraphy works have been collected by the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in China and Nagoya University in Japan, and are highly sought after by collectors.







